Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm Late, I'm Late, For a Very Important Date!

No time to work, no time to play, I'm late, I'm late, I'm LATE!!!

I'm so incredibly late getting this post up today!!! Of course, today was...interesting, to say the least, starting the day off with a scare that we had a gas leak, only to find out my stove is crapping out. Yeah. That was the beginning of my day, and it kept getting more and more interesting.

So, how about hearing what other people have to say about Chris Stralyn's writing?? Read some snippets of reviews by the pros as well as the people just like you that read This Time You Lose, and find out for yourself!

Editorial Reviews:

"Very well-written book, a fast-paced and suspenseful read that kept me on the edge of my seat."

"The tension holds throughout the book and it actually gave me goosebumps at times! I loved Lisa. What a tough cookie!"

"Very interesting take on a hostage situation...Would definitely recommend."

Reader Reviews:

"This Time You Lose is a tension-filled novel packed with action and emotion, which had me biting my nails the whole way through."

"Great writing from start to finish. Refreshingly unpredictable and suspenseful."

"Seriously, loved this book. Keep me on the edge of my seat. Didn't put it down!"

"This book was spellbinding, once I started to read it I couldn't put it down..kept me on the edge of my chair."

"A little misdirection at the end just ended up making the story even more satisfying. Strongly recommended reading."

Well, it's obvious that Chris knows her audience, knows her craft, and thanks SO much, Chris, now I have to go buy another dang book... :)

Great reviews, awesome cover, a fresh and unique idea with a twist, it's hard to say no. Make sure you check out the interview from Monday with Chris, and enter to win a free eBook copy of This Time You Lose!!

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